Principal Speech and Language Therapist
I am passionate about helping people to reach their goals and helping them feel better in themselves. I set up Restore Voice to provide choice to those who would like more control on how quickly they are seen and where.
Find out more about my skills and experience below. If there is anything else you would like to know do email me!

I graduated from City University, London with a 2:1 degree in Speech and Language Therapy in 2011. I completed my dissertation on providing voice information sessions to trainee teachers, who I am pleased to say found them very useful.
Since then I have completed three Master's modules related to healthcare in professional practice, where I received distinction and merit marks. I am looking to continue my Master's over the next few years as time allows.
Work History
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Senior Specialist Speech and Language Therapist in Voice and Upper Airways holding the role of Upper Airway lead. Subsequent promotion to Principal Speech and Language Therapist for Outpatient services covering Head and Neck, Voice and Upper Airway, and Cleft Palate Speech and Language Therapy Teams alongside retaining a clinical caseload, including running joint voice clinics with Mr Declan Costello.
Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist—Voice and Upper Airway Lead.
Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist—Voice Lead.
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist—Voice/ENT.
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Speech and Language Therapist—Community Paediatrics.
Imperial College NHS Foundation Trust
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist—Acute.
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
Speech and Language Therapist—Stroke/Acute.
Some of my recent training includes
Manual Therapy Training, London Voice Care Centre.
Buteyko Clinic Method, Buteyko Clinic International.
Fundamentals of Chronic Cough, British Thoracic Society.
Working with Children and Young People with Voice disorders—GOSH.
Management and Therapy for Voice Disorders—Imperial.

Volunteer Roles
Music is a big part of my and my family's life outside of work, and I couldn't imagine a world without singing and music in it. I am surrounded by many different styles of music including classical choirs, barbershop, modern a cappella, church choirs, brass bands, jazz bands, and orchestras. Certainly one of my key volunteer roles is as a taxi driver going to all sorts of rehearsals!
Back in 2011, just after I had graduated, I founded a choir with some friends. We are still going strong and I have remained as Chair of the organisation throughout that time. I have recently taken us through the process of becoming a charity and have raised over £10,000 in charitable grants.
To find out more, see their website: I am also very proud to be a member of award-winning chorus Amersham A Cappella and present when we won gold at LABBS in 2024.
I also hold the role of Treasurer in the London Voice Clinical Excellence Network, which is a peer run group putting on events and training packages that further the knowledge and skills of Speech and Language Therapists with a special interest in voice. The network is run by a voluntary committee.
To find out more, see their website:

HCPC registration number: SL29934
RCSLT registration number: RC0031473
ASLTIP Member: