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​Kirsty is passionate about all things voice and she would be delighted to meet you and support you with your objectives, whether they are personal voice goals, help for your group with workshops or training, or providing supervision to other Speech Therapists. 


Please find below details of all her fees. If you have any questions at all please do contact herShe would love to hear from you!

Fees for Therapy

Workshop and Training Fees

Fees for workshops start at £200 for a one hour presentation and then increase at a rate of £50 per every additional hour. If you would like training in-person then travel expenses and time will be added on top. Contact Kirsty for a personalised package and quote created just for you.

Other Services



Singing Support

Taking Speech Therapy to the next level and supporting your singing voicesupporting you to get back singing, and your singing teacher, in the best shape possible.


Breathing Pattern Retraining

Based on Buteyko breathing methods I can help you optimise your breathing everyday as well as when speaking, singing, and exercising.


Vocal Massage

Using hand-on therapeutic massage to support sensations that you might be experiencing in the head and neck, helping to optimise your laryngeal functioning.

Supervision Fees

Supervision rates are £65 for an hour ad-hoc or Kirsty is happy to work with NHS trusts to provide regular supervision. She can create a bespoke package to suit your needs. 

More information on her supervision page here.


Kirsty understands the importance of accessibility to therapy services so she is registered with a wide range of UK health insurance companies. Please confirm with your insurance provider if they will fund your Speech and Language Therapy appointments and ask them for an authorisation code before booking your first appointment.


What People Say

White Flower_edited.png

January, 2024

"Excellent advice, unpressurised environment. Great attention and analysis of my key issues."
-- Very Good --

© 2024 Restore Voice Limited

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